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Students Competition

The Scientific Committee of the BMT 2025 asks students for presenting their results from research projects or diploma theses. The best contributions are awarded certificates and prizes. The best 15 papers (conference papers) – submitted as oral presentations (in English, 2 - 4 pages) – will have the opportunity to take part in the competition.

There will be prizes for the best submissions. Details will be available shortly on the conference website.

Deadline for the submission of conference papers for the student competition: 31 March 2025

Conditions of participation

Only first authors are admitted for presentation at the BMT conference satisfying the following conditions:

• at the time of submission they must be enrolled as a student at a university,
• they have to be younger than 30 years on the last day of the conference and
• a member of either the Austrian Society for Biomedical Engineering (ÖGBMT), the German Society for Biomedical Engineering within VDE e. V. (DGBMT) or the Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering (SSBE).

When submitted dissertations of participants shall not yet have been finished. This means that scientific assistants, doctoral students and PhD students are allowed to take part if they fulfil these requirements. The paper shall present only current research work which may have been terminated not more than 12 months before the deadline for submission. In the absence of supporting documents, the participant will be eliminated.

Assessment procedures

The assessment procedure for the student competition of the submitted written papers is carried out by reviewers and at the annual conference by experienced jurors of the expert committee “Training and further education: BMT in your studies”. The best 15 papers are assessed by the jurors during the running sessions of the BMT conference and the winners determined. The other finalists receive a participation certificate.

The assessment of submitted written papers is based on the following criteria:

•    Innovation content
•    Problem solving
•    Comprehensibility
•    Care, formal impression of the presentation.

The assessment at the conference is based on the following criteria:

•    Scientific content of the paper
•    Scientific content of the presentation
•    Quality of the presentation
•    Timing in the presentation
•    Demonstration of competence in the discussion
•    Dealing with audience


Participants in the student competition also pay the BMT participation fee for students.

Prize-giving ceremony

The prize-giving ceremony takes place at the closing event of the conference. Prizes are awarded personally to first authors according to their score in the ranking. In exceptional cases a representative may be appointed to receive the prize.

The awards will be published after the meeting in the member magazines of three affiliate societies and on their homepages Prize winners are requested to publish a contribution in the Biomedical Engineering journal (WdG) (the usual review process being passed).

Stefan Regge

Abstract management

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